Summer Reunion Ideas for Distant Family and Friends

Image Credits: Photo by Askar Abayev: https://www.pexels.com/photo/family-having-picnic-on-terrace-5638612/

As much as we’d all like to meet our family and friends who live far away from us more often, our regular jobs and lives don’t allow it. But that doesn’t mean we can’t connect with them. Sure, we can’t meet physically, but we can all come closer and have more frequent reunions in the virtual world.

Virtual reunions are also more cost-efficient and convenient for everyone. All you need for these reunions is a stable internet connection and a device that lets you connect to a video conference with your loved ones. There’s also a higher chance everyone can attend the reunion.

Here are a few things you can do during your virtual reunion with family and friends.

Test your drawing skills with Pictionary

A reunion calls for classics and what’s more classic than a game of Pictionary? Most people know Pictionary from playing it in their living rooms, but it’s also perfect for playing online!

It’s a game that will resonate with people of all ages and geographical locations.

The game requires one player to draw a picture while the others try and guess what they’re drawing. It’s perfect for those who love word games, guessing games, or drawing games.

All you need to do is start a virtual meeting, share the Pictionary game link with the participants, and finally, start drawing and guessing. But, don’t forget to add your list of words, because you get to decide those on HatQuest.

Play Pictionary Now!

Find out who’s the luckiest one with Tombola

Tombola is a game similar to Bingo and Housie, where a “caller” reads out the numbers that are drawn at random. If the players have the called out number on their ticket, they cross it off. You decide what the winning point or points are: fastest five, rows, corners, full house, etc. If a player thinks that they have a winning point, they announce it quickly to make sure that you can claim the prize!

Virtual Tombola on HatQuest is much simpler. The caller only has to pick a number and the system does the rest. The game is always more interesting with prizes to give away.

Play Tombola Now!

Share stories and talents with Spin the Bottle

Play the classic game of spin the bottle with a little virtual twist. Spin the bottle is a game where you can spin to randomly pick one of the participants. The selected player can be asked to share a story, a joke, etc.

Think of this as a virtual bonfire and reunion session where you get to catch up with each other.

Play Spin The Bottle Now!

See who’s the smartest one with Quizzes

Yes, online quizzes are usually thought of as a one-player game, but they can be fun to play with others as well. Reunions, where you test your knowledge and compete with friends and family to see who’s the smartest, are fun of their own kind. You can find quizzes on various themes and topics, pick one that resonates with your group and play away!

Play Quizzes Now!

We agree that life was simpler when families and friends lived close by and you could visit them often. But now, they’re spread across the country and even the globe. Relatives and friends cannot gather in person every year, but virtual reunions allow loved ones to reunite without the expense or hassle of travel. So find common interests and the internet has a host of endless options for you to choose from.


Radhika Shenoy