Fostering Team Rapport through Online Games

All proverbs come from some place of truth. So does “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” While it may seem old and simple, the proverb is a profound and relevant one. It still resonates with those who recognize the value of finding a healthy balance between work and play in their lives. But what do team building games actually do for a team?

Playing games in a team can have significant benefits in various aspects of life, from building teamwork and collaboration to improving problem-solving skills, reducing stress, enhancing creativity, and fostering a competitive spirit. Participating in team games and activities can be an excellent way to promote healthy relationships among individuals, especially in a workplace where teamwork and collaboration are crucial for success. In this context, this conversation explores the importance of playing games in a team and how it can positively impact individuals and teams in various settings.

What online games can do to help you build a stronger team

  1. They encourage teamwork

Team games often require players to work together towards a common goal, encouraging communication, collaboration, and team bonding. This can translate to the workplace, where employees may be more likely to work together and support each other toward shared objectives.

  1. They promote breaks and stress relief

Taking regular breaks and engaging in activities that help reduce stress can improve productivity and overall well-being. Playing team games can be a fun and engaging way for employees to take a break from work and recharge, which can lead to higher levels of productivity and job satisfaction.

  1. They foster healthy competition

Team games can be a great way to promote healthy competition between employees, which can be motivating and inspire individuals to perform at their best.

  1. They help increase engagement and retention

Engaged employees are more likely to stay with their company long-term, which can lead to a lower turnover rate and increased employee retention. Playing team games can be a fun and interactive way to engage employees and promote a positive workplace culture.

  1. They help develop soft skills

Online team games can help employees develop and practice valuable soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and leadership, which can be beneficial in the workplace and in their personal life.

Online Team Building Games to Try with Colleagues

1. Pictionary

Online team games don’t have to be fancy or complicated. Something as classic as Pictionary can do the job. Most people know Pictionary from playing it with family or friends in their living rooms, but it’s also perfect for playing online with colleagues.

If you’re not already familiar with the game, it requires one player to draw a picture while the others try and guess what they’re drawing. It’s perfect for those who love word games, guessing games, or drawing games.

All you need to do is start a virtual meeting, share the Pictionary game link with the participants, and finally, start drawing and guessing. On HatQuest, you can create your own list of words to draw or pick from our curated lists.

Play Pictionary Now!

2. Tombola

Tombola is a game similar to Bingo and Housie, where a “caller” reads out the numbers that are drawn at random. If the players have the called out number on their ticket, they cross it off. You decide what the winning point or points are: fastest five, rows, corners, full house, etc. If a player thinks that they have a winning point, they announce it quickly to make sure that you can claim the prize!

Tambola is always more interesting with prizes to give away.

Play Tombola Now!

3. Virtual Spin the Bottle

Play the classic game of spin the bottle with a little virtual twist. Spin the bottle is a game where you can spin to randomly pick one of the participants. The selected player can be asked to share a story, a joke, etc.

Think of this as a virtual bonfire and reunion session where you get to catch up with each other.

Play Spin The Bottle Now!

4. Quizzes

Yes, online quizzes are usually thought of as a one-player game, but they can be fun to play with others as well. You can find quizzes on various themes and topics, pick one that resonates with your team and play away!

Play Quizzes Now!

Whatever games you pick, helping your employees find the right work-life balance and making the workplace a healthy, enjoyable place is the goal.


Radhika Shenoy