Finding the Perfect Work-Life Balance

Image Credits: Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

Work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one’s career and the demands of one’s personal life. But a balance does not necessarily mean 50-50. You’re not always going to be able to give equal time and energy to both. So, what does it mean to maintain a work-life balance?

In today’s post-pandemic world, our offices are mere steps away from our bedrooms, and the culture of staying available 24/7 is more prominent than before. Even if we’re not physically on our systems, people are finding it increasingly difficult to mentally clock out of work at the end of the day. These factors make finding a sustainable work-life balance more important than ever.

Why does work-life balance matter?

  • 56% of employee burnout is caused by a negative work culture and is to blame for 20-50% of turnover. (source)
  • 43% more remote employees work over 40 hours a week than onsite employees do. (zippa)
  • 51% of people say they have missed important life events because of inadequate work-life balance. (source)
  • The average workday lengthened by 48.5 minutes following stay-at-home orders and lockdowns. (source)
  • 77% of Americans who work full-time have experienced burnout at their jobs. (source)

How to find the right work-life balance?

‍Balance and how one finds it can look different for different people. Everyone has different boundaries, varying levels of burnt-out thresholds, and different ways to kick back and feel refreshed.

The key is to identify what your boundaries and thresholds are and also what helps you decompress. Start small and don’t strive for the perfect schedule from day one. Strive for a realistic one and understand that on some days, you might focus more on work, while on other days, you might have more time and energy to pursue your hobbies or spend time with your loved ones.

View the balance as something that is achieved over time and not something you’ll experience every day. It is important to remain fluid and constantly assess where your energy levels are and what your goals and priorities are.

At the end of the day, balance is a very personal thing, and only you can decide the lifestyle that suits you best.

Some quick tips

  • Try to avoid all work calls and messages post your active hours. If you use communication channels like Slack, set your status as “away” at the end of the day.
  • At the end of your workday, plan ahead for the next day, so you’re less stressed.
  • Make a list of your daily tasks, and don’t forget to put them in priority order.
  • Use your phone’s restrictions tools to try to avoid social media and other distracting and time-sucking media. You’ll find these tools under the digital well-being and parental controls option on your phones.
  • Pre-block your calendar with the items you want to accomplish, so people don’t book over it. While you’re at it, pre-block your lunch.
  • Prioritize your health at all times. Remember to stay hydrated and eat your meals at the right time.
  • Make time for yourself and your loved ones. Plan ahead for your weekends and vacations, and make those days exclusive for them. No work talk.


Radhika Shenoy