Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Image Credits: Image by Alexa from Pixabay

The terms ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ have become trending topics in the recent past. However, that’s also how most people and organizations look at these topics- simply as a trend. They miss out on the depth and value that true diversity and inclusion add to our lives.

Let’s dive deeper into what these concepts mean in everyday life and in workplaces. We’ll start by talking about whether or not diversity and inclusion in workplaces mean the same at workplaces as they do in other spheres of life.

What is Workplace Diversity and Inclusion?

Before we dive into diversity and inclusivity as concepts in a workplace, let’s look at their textbook definitions.

Diversity: Diversity can be defined as the practice or quality of including people from different backgrounds like race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, etc.

Inclusivity: Inclusion entails the practice of providing equal access to opportunities and resources to people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized. ‍

It should be evident from the outset that diversity without inclusivity is almost useless. It’s essential that we see their value together. Having a diverse team is step one, but valuing diversity and creating an environment where everyone can feel respected, supported, and connected is more important than simply just adding diversity to the team.

Efforts should be made in a direction that fosters a sense of belonging for all employees so that they can do their best work.

Why are Workplace Diversity and Inclusivity Important?

The biggest and most important benefit of a diverse workforce is the sheer variety and freshness that it brings to the process and the work itself. Moreover, diverse organizations are inherently happier, more productive, and more competitive in their industries.

7 Key Areas of Diversity and Inclusion in a Workplace

  1. Racial and Ethnic Diversity
  2. Age and Generational Diversity
  3. Diversity in Gender and Gender Identity
  4. Diversity and Inclusion based on Sexual Orientation
  5. Diversity in Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
  6. Diversity in physical and mental capabilities
  7. Diverse Socioeconomic Status and Backgrounds


Radhika Shenoy